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27 May 2008

Discord in the Community Garden

I started a small mental breakdown in the community garden where Louis and I have plots last week.

At the Spring Community Work Day it was decided that everyone would take on the responsibility of one of twelve or so jobs in the garden so that no one person had to be Sheriff of the Garden.

I got myself elected as tree/sapling czar and we all agreed that if the crazy lady whose plot is next to mine had to have her failed arbor experiment (about twelve 15 foot Box Elders that she had tried to grow together, breaking many of the garden laws) out of her plot by 15 May or they would be removed for her.

The crazy lady (CL), who hasn't come to any of the six madatory work days that we've had since we joined the garden three years ago, told Tim (my brother and nominal head of the garden this year) that she couldn't come to the communal work day\ because she had an appt. at ten o'clock. Gardeners are asked to work anytime between 9-3.

At any rate, CL came out at 11:20 to pay Tim the annual rent on her plot ($15) and asked him to sign a receipt that he had taken her money because she hates him and doesn't trust him to give the money to the neighborhood association.

After he disgruntedly signed the receipt he asked her "What about the trees?" and she went ballistic. She told him to shut up, that he was a fascist, that he had no appreciation for diversity in the garden, that he was trying to get her out of the garden, etc. Tim, who said it was such a moment of channeling our Dad that he was rather embarrassed afterward, asked her to sign a statement saying she would get rid of the trees before 15 May.

After she stomped away, her pal (they both live across the street from the garden and regard it as more theirs than anyone else's)came out to be the adolescent message bearer of CL and told Tim that CL doesn't like to be challenged, especially in public (unlike the rest of us, who relish it) and that she would take most of the trees down if she could keep the biggest one in the middle of her plot until next year. Tim, at the end, of his wits said okay.

He, however, failed to pass that information along to me. So, on 15 May I went and cut the trees down along with all of the other saplings and suckers on the lot.

That evening I happened to be at Tim's house enjoying a gin & tonic before heading off to Charlotte's fifth grade band concert when CL called Tim; she'd been to the garden. She was absolutely furious, called him Hitler and threatened to sue him and a whole bunch of other craziness.

The next morning I called the neighborhood association (they own the land) first thing to get in front of the psychopath eight ball, but CL's friend beat me there. I spoke to the administrator of the land and they took a walk over to the garden that afternoon.

Essentially, they were aghast at the state of C's plot and called her in to their office and told her to clean it up or leave the garden. They also asked us to call them if we have any further problems with her. I will be more than happy to have it all being worked out by the trained association staff. Yikes.

Maybe now we can garden in peace? She brings bad juju to the place.

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